Hi, Iām Mandi
Most know me as _kcgirl, I grew up in a small town about an hour North of Boise Idaho called Garden Valley, with a graduating class of 25 kids. I love the simple significance that small town living brings and how the people there raised me with the values and mindset to be the woman I am today. I love to hike, float the river and soak in the peaceful vibes of my hometown when I can, but Kansas City Missouri has been my home for the past 25 years.
I enjoy working in Cardiology as an Admin and meeting so many of the elderly who are spunky, sassy and almost defiant in their authenticity. I soak in as much wisdom that they are willing to share with me and I hope to continue learning from those encounters.
I have 4 beautiful children who are grown and giving me the joy of being a Grandma with one grandson and another grandchild coming this summer. My kids are my greatest blessing and achievement. I find that they are my teachers, and not just with technology but all things social media and world events. They are my biggest cheerleaders and for that I am grateful they call me Mom, Mother or Mandi depending on the task at hand.
I have had the pleasure of working with the Down Syndrome Guild here in Kansas City from 2017-2019 taking my Nikon in hand to capture these beautiful families; some who are still friends to this day. I have also worked along side my kids supporting their Dad; even though we are divorced we find unity in his wheelchair sporting events. These individuals are truly talented and their life experiences are humbling, motivating, and inspiring; they live life to the fullest with some of the best mindsets to be around.
All these things have kept me grounded and I hope to continue this journey with my new friendships from The Authentic Fix.